The shock and embarrassment of losing your hair can have a detrimental effect upon your self-confidence. When you finally do get up the courage to visit a hair loss surgeon, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask any questions during your consultation, no matter how uncomfortable or embarrassing they may seem. There’s a good chance the surgeon has heard every question regarding hair loss and hair transplants.
We have compiled several frequently asked questions that you might be a bit too embarrassed to ask your hair transplant surgeon.
“I don’t deal with pain well, will this hurt?”
When it comes to topical treatments such as Finasteride and Minoxidil, they are safe to use on your scalp. If you follow the directions of your surgeon, you will be ok. All drugs have the potential to harm you if you don’t use them properly. For example, if your scalp is damaged, irritated, or sunburned, you should not use Rogaine until it heals, but with proper usage, you should not feel any pain with topical hair loss treatments.
When it comes to hair transplant surgery, pain tolerance can vary widely between patients but the vast majority of patients will say it is tolerable. Local anesthetic is the primary form of pain control during both FUT & FUE procedures. Because the skin is numb, the patient will most likely feel no pain at all until the anesthetic wears off. After FUT most patients experience discomfort that warrants pain medication for a few days because of the incision. Thankfully, the scalp has such good blood flow, the pain and swelling usually subsides one to three days afterwards and should not cause significant pain that cannot be managed with over-the-counter pain medications. With the ARTAS robot, the post-operative pain after is minimal- more like a sunburn.
In short, hair restoration – whether topical solution used on the scalp or hair transplant surgery – is relatively painless.
“I’m wary of robots – will the doctor be present while the ARTAS robot is working?”
The ARTAS robot is a miracle of modern science. It allows for precise delivery of FUE hair transplants, as the arm of the robot will not get tired after a few hours of performing the procedure and will maintain the same level of consistency throughout the entire procedure.
At the Limmer Hair Transplant Center, the surgeon is in complete and total control of the ARTAS robot at all times. There is zero chance that the robot will perform an action that isn’t authorized by the surgeon. So there is no need to worry about the robot doing something it shouldn’t in our office. This is not the case in all offices so it is good to ask ahead of time.
“How much is a hair transplant going to cost?”
You will need to sit down with the surgeon and undergo an evaluation before she can give you an estimated cost. It will also depend on how many grafts you would like performed or if you will likely need additional procedures in the future. The more hair you want, the more it will cost. Insurance will not cover the cost of a hair transplant, so that is something to keep in mind.
There might be additional costs for recovery as well. At the Limmer office, we provide our patients with their post-operative medications and wound care supplies in a take home package after surgery. Other surgeons may prescribe these medications so you would need to purchase them before your surgery. You might need to purchase over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medications or triple antibiotic ointment, but check with your doctor.
“I can’t afford a hair transplant right now. Am I doomed to go bald?”
There are several options that are available to you if you can’t afford a hair transplant. You will first need to have a consultation with the surgeon and she may recommend one or more of the following which cost less than a hair transplant:
– Topical drugs such as Finasteride and Minoxidil
– Low level laser light therapy
“Can I get a beard, eyebrow, or mustache transplant?”
Yes, you can. We can help you regain lost eyebrows due to age, over-plucking, trauma, or other reasons. The same technique can be used to help recreate mustaches and beards.
“Will people be able to tell I have had a hair transplant?”
Hair plugs that were performed in the early days of hair transplants did not look very natural. Over the years, technology has evolved and such advancements as the Follicular Unit Transplant, trichophytic closure and use of the ARTAS robot for FUE technique offer subtle and more natural results that are virtually impossible to detect by the untrained eye.
Part of the success of a hair transplant also lies with the surgeon performing the transplant. The Limmer Hair Transplant Center pioneered hair transplants and the combination of Dr. Krejci’s surgical skills and artistic talent of hairline design can help you regain both your hair and your confidence.
“What options does a balding man in his early 20’s have?”
Hair transplants are usually not advised for men under 30 for two reasons. First, the surgeon cannot tell if the donor area will be stable over time and secondly, men losing their hair in their early 20’s will likely see extensive hair loss, so it’s best to wait and see what sort of pattern emerges before trying to correct it.
There are alternative options such as topical treatments like Finasteride and Minoxidil that can be used to slow the loss of hair when you’re younger, but it’s best to schedule a consultation with a hair loss surgeon so they can evaluate the extent of your hair loss and make proper recommendations.
“I’m a female and am going bald. Are there any options available for me?”
Hair loss for women is often much more embarrassing than it is for men. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for females.
The FDA has approved Rogaine (Minoxidil) for treatment of female-pattern hair loss. Results usually take 3-4 months and you must continue to use the product daily. If you stop, the hair loss will regress to where it would have been if had never used any treatment.
Hair transplants via FUT or the ARTAS robot are also an option for some women. If you are a female and are experiencing hair loss, setup a consultation with Dr. Krejci. She will sit down with you and evaluate the extent of hair loss and make her recommendation.
Hair Loss Options in San Antonio
If you have any other embarrassing questions that were not covered in this article or would like to learn more about the hair loss treatment options available, give us a call at (210) 496-9992 or contact us today. You should never be embarrassed or feel bad about asking any questions to your doctor, hair transplant specialist, or otherwise. We are here to make you feel comfortable and informed before any procedure.
And as we mentioned before, there aren’t too many questions related to hair transplants and hair restoration that we haven’t heard.