Other Hair Growth Treatments

Hair Growth Treatments

If you want the best results, keeping what you have is extremely important! Patients who are seriously interested in retaining or improving their native hair growth should combine therapy for a minimum of six months to one year.

Medical therapy of male and female pattern baldness can be extremely helpful. But early treatment is critical to the success. Though clinical trials are lacking, the highest response rates occur with combination therapy. For example, combining topical Minoxidil and oral Finasteride (Propecia or Proscar). The combination of Minoxidil and Finasteride produces a synergistic response due to their different mechanisms of action. Here are a few of the effective hair growth treatments we offer.

Platelet Rich Plasma PRP

prp treatment before after female   prp treatment before after male

Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, is a process in which platelets, which are extracted from the patients own blood, are injected into the scalp, or problem area, to stimulate hair growth.

Click here for more information

Low-Level Laser Light Therapy

laser cap treatments before and after

Low-Level Laser Light Therapy uses a device that stimulates hair growth in patients who suffer from androgenetic alopecia or pattern balding by using low-level lasers and LED light.

Click here for more information


Full medical treatment is directed to slow further loss and regrow the miniaturized hair if possible. Treatment must be used 6-12 months to evaluate results. If you choose not to use medical therapy, you will most certainly continue to lose hair.

rogaine treatment before after


For those who do not respond to therapy, three options remain:

1) Accept your genetic fate
2) Wear a hair system or wig
3) Hair transplantation

The only limiting factor for transplantation is the availability of donor hair and the emotional and financial commitment to the process.

The process of transplantation is equally effective in males and females.

On the horizon:

Research projects involving the use of stem cells offer promise, but such research is relatively early at this point, and initial attempts utilizing such methods have met with little success to date. Expect to hear more about these research areas in the coming years.

Learn more about our hair growth treatments by contacting us!