Hair Transplant Pricing


FUT – Strip Harvest

Number of grafts 
<500$10.00 per graft
Small$5000 Flat Rate
Medium$6500 Flat Rate
Large >1500$5.00 per graft = $7500 – $9000

FUE – WAW / Trivellini

Number of grafts 
<500$12.00 per graft
Small$6500 Flat
Medium$9000 Flat
Large >1500$7.00 per graft = $10,500 – $12,600
*Sessions of over 2000 grafts require 2 days back-to-back for scheduling.

Beard Transplants

ScarPrice per Case
Small (one area)FUT $5000, FUE $6000
Medium (2 areas)FUT $6500, FUE $8500
Large (3 areas)FUT $7500, FUE $9000

Eyebrow Transplants

Touch-Up/ScarPrice per case
Partial Eyebrows$5000
Full Eyebrows$6000
For full beard, mustache, and goatee, you may need 2 days.


Included with Your Surgery is:

  • All take-home medication
  • Wound care packet
  • 18 months of post-op care
  • Limmer HTC drawstring bag with organized post-op paperwork and wound care materials


We have a contract with Clinical Pathology Laboratory.

There is a $150 fee for pre-operative labs.

To find a lab in your area, refer to their website


NOTICE: A $500/day deposit is required to hold your appointment date. This deposit will be deducted from your procedure fee on the day of service; however, this is non-refundable if the procedure is cancelled within 14 days of the scheduled date.

An additional $150 will cover lab work that is required no later than 3 weeks prior to your procedure.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express as well as cash and cashier’s checks.

We do NOT accept personal checks.

The actual cost of your procedure is determined on the day of your surgery depending upon the number of grafts obtained during your surgery. Prices are subject to change.


Financing is available through CareCredit.

care credit apply now button

Hair Transplant Pricing FAQ

Some prospective candidates may seek care elsewhere for a higher fee believing they are getting a better product because it costs more.

We can assure you that NO practice does a better job and that NO practice has a greater wealth of experience.

We started the science and practice of follicular unit transplantation in 1988 and devoted three years of developmental research to perfect the steps essential to microscopic dissection and dense packing implantation at the highest survival and growth levels of the transplanted follicles. Our methods were first reported in 1991 and continue to be cited in the medical literature as the Gold Standard to which all the techniques are compared.

Since 1991, we have opened our practice to hundreds of physicians and technicians from all over the world for observation and education.

Most of our technicians have over 10-20 years of experience in hair restoration.

You may be able to procure hair restoration at many practices around the world, but you cannot get better hair restoration anywhere.

So why don't we charge more?

First, we feel this service should be available to as many individuals as possible, not only to the financially elite. A procedure that can truly affect the way one feels about himself/herself and his/her outlook on life should be available to as many as possible.

Secondly, we do not advertise. Nearly 100% of our patients come to us through referrals from other patients, family members, hair dressers, and physicians who know our patients and their results.

The cost of advertising is very expensive and can double the cost of transplantation as these costs are passed on to the consumer. We feel you are better off paying for hair than for advertising. Lastly, we make every effort to hold our cost of doing business down and to pass those savings on to you.

Many Hair Transplant practices offer "free" consultations; however, these are typically with a “consultant” or sales person, not the doctor. We see our consultations differently. Drs. Krejci and Limmer meet with every patient and perform thorough medical examinations of your hair loss. The consultation process provides extensive education in the hair loss process, discussion of medical therapies, and a detailed explanation of surgical options tailored to the personal needs of each patient.

We believe in doing the right thing for our patients, and oftentimes jumping into a surgery is not the answer. Sometimes the outcome of a consultation is a hair transplant procedure, but other times an alternative, less aggressive route is suggested.

Additionally, as Board-Certified Dermatologists, Drs. Krejci and Limmer have the expertise to diagnose other medical conditions that may have gone unnoticed, exaggerating or even mimicking male/female pattern baldness. In these cases it is crucial to have the right diagnosis and treatment plan in order to avoid a costly mistake. For these reasons, we believe the consultation fee is a very worthwhile investment.

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