About Hair Loss in Women
It’s difficult for a man to lose his hair, but in many ways, it’s more socially acceptable. For a woman, losing her hair can be emotionally devastating.
Nearly 40% of women by age 60 experience some form of hair loss, the majority of which starts at menopause when estrogen levels drop. It can also start early when there is a strong family history of thinning hair. Sometimes hair loss can be multifactorial, meaning there is more than one issue causing the problem. Still, androgenetic is the most common cause of hair loss in women, just as it is in men, and we refer to this as “female pattern hair loss.”
If you are a woman who is experiencing thinning hair on your scalp or other areas of your body, your first step should be to have your condition fully evaluated by your primary physician or dermatologist. Drs. Krejci and Limmer, both board-certified dermatologists, specialize in the evaluation of hair loss and hair transplantation by obtaining lab work to evaluate for medical conditions such as anemia, thyroid disease, vitamin deficiencies, or hormonal imbalances that can provide valuable information prior to visiting our center.
If not already complete, our physicians will review all medications and/or supplements you are taking that can cause hair loss and order blood tests that have not already been performed.
Women do have options to treat hair loss. There are products and treatments that will work for women, and a hair transplant may be an option.
Before and After Women’s Hair Transplant Photos

We are here to help you…
So don’t be afraid to seek information and educate yourself about the medical and surgical options available to you. You can contact us at (210) 496-9992 or via our contact form with any questions or concerns. Please also read our F.A.Q. with answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Women’s Hair Loss.