Article & News

reversing gray hair
Hair Restoration Research
Can Graying Hair Be Reversed?

Losing your hair can be extremely devastating as you get older, but even people who don’t lose their hair can have a hard time with

caffeine sham,poo hair loss
Hair Restoration Research
Can Caffeine Shampoo Help with Hair Loss?

If you suffer from hair loss or hair thinning, then you know the everyday struggle of trying to figure out exactly what you can do

long covid hair loss
Hair Loss Education
Can Long COVID Cause Hair Loss?

It’s been over 2 years since the world began to lock down over the threat of COVID-19 yet scientists and doctors are still making new

fix matted hair
Simple Solutions
Best Ways to Fix Matted Hair

Long hair or curly hair comes with its share of problems, but none of them are as annoying as matting. That feeling when your hair