Article & News

head and shoulders hair loss
Hair Loss Education
Does Head and Shoulders Cause Hair Loss?

The main cause of hair loss in men usually boils down to genetics, but that doesn’t stop people from assuming the worst from the products

mens hair style trends 2021
Locks of Fun
Most Popular Men’s Hair Styles for 2021

Men’s hairstyles and haircuts have changed dramatically over the years. If you look back to the 1940’s and 1950’s, you found more slicked back styles

clean healthy beard tips
Simple Solutions
5 Tips to Maintain a Clean and Healthy Beard

As COVID-19 vaccines begin making their way into arms around the world, things may start to slowly get back to “normal” this summer. People are

men home haircut tips
Hairy Situations
How to Cut Men’s Hair At Home

Can you believe that it’s been over a year since the first case of COVID-19 was discovered? For many of us we’ve been trying to